~My New Eternal Song~By Swan Song~


~My New Eternal Song~

~By Swan Song~

I continue to consistently feel that
I do not have much time left, on earth.
This feeling & these thoughts do not go away.
I have fought many battles against bad health in my life,
& I shall continue to do so, & I am right now.

But there are a great many things that I do,
because of this over-riding thought in my life.
This continuing thought
causes me to examine my life more deeply.
This continuing thought
causes me to strive more to be
the best friend possible.

This continuing thought causes me
to speak up, & to write, & to post,
when otherwise, I probably wouldn’t.
This continuing thought keeps me
moving in a forward direction,
& encourages me to not let go,
nor slow the pace much.

Actually, I am quite calm about this,
& sense a rather growing peace.
It is as if, every day,
I am a bit closer to Heaven,
as if Heaven itself is touching me.
I’ve never in my life,
felt so peaceful about finally
having the opportunity to enter into
my glistening home in Eternity.

It is as if, even the mere thought of Heaven,
fills me with the greatest of comforts,
& I begin to feel an increase of
the Holy Spirit’s sweet comfort,
filling by being, inside & out!
It is as if, a perpetual song
has been birthed, & stirred
from deep within.
A song that I can’t quit singing,
& a song that is eternal.

For thirteen years,
it seems as if I have been being
propelled onward at a very fast clip.
Like as if some gigantic gale
has unfurled & billowed out
the sails of my ship {my life},
& set me on a course,
to complete a destiny that I was tardy to start!
It was as if I knew I had a specific destination,
& only had been given
a certain alloted amount of time,
to arrive at that pre-defined
destination point of my life.

At this particular time, it appears as though
the Lord has given me
some time to relax,
& move at a bit gentler pace,
& to actually experience
some more enjoyable times,
especially with my friends.

Yet a God-sent urgency continues to
stir me from deep within,
reminding me not to stop
in consistently aiming at my goal.
To finish this race,
while I continue to
Fight the Fight Of Faith!!!

Our times are in His Hands.
And perhaps, sometimes, He allows us to have
a glimpse, & a small understanding of
just when “our time” might be approaching.

Perhaps this is exactly what
He has allowed me to
know & understand.
Ahead of time.
That I might have have the opportunity
to prepare, & to complete
the destiny or mission,
which He has entrusted into my care.

Yet, always with His guiding hand,
at the stern,
& gently, yet firmly,
on the ship’s helm’s wheel of my life.

~Shared With Much Love In Jesus~
~For My Family & Friends~
~Swan Song~


©2008~Writings by Amber~
{~Swan Song~}
September 13 2008